6 Nov 2012

Download Go Bible - Alkitab untuk Handphone

Go Bible is a Free Bible viewer application for Java mobile phones (J2ME MIDP 1.0 and MIDP 2.0).

Go Bible 2.2.6 Features:
Christ's Words in red
SMS scriptures
Coloured themes
Fast search

If you have installation questions please visit the Go Bible Forums.

Download Go Bible Here:

Some Nokia phones limit the application size to 512KB or 128KB which is smaller than the full Go Bible size of approximately 1.4MB. To support these phones we also provide Go Bible split into multiple applications of 512KB or 128KB. To find out the max JAR limit of your Nokia phone go to the Forum Nokia website, select your phone model, and look for the "Max JAR Size" in the table of the resulting page.

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